The Contour Beval Bit
The Contour mouthpiece was an experiment in 2019 to see if I could get a different feel from another curved lozenge mouthpiece. I lengthened the lozenge a little and plumped it up in the centre and curved the mouthpiece in a slightly different place thinking it would make another starter bit or a long and low mouthpiece. But it did not turn out like that, it is a generously curved longer Lozenge covering more area inside the mouth designed to encourage the Horse forward into a higher contact. It went into the range in 2020
Very useful for Horse or Ponies that need to
Pay more heed to the mouthpiece
Are a little strong and too forward into a snaffle
That block on one side as you flex or turn
That are a little heavy in the handsYoung or retrained Horses that have been poorly trained it gives a comfortable idea just to yield and go to the end of the rein
Beval Cheek: When you just need a little leverage just to ask a Horse or Pony to drop into a frame or just to yield and looks quite neat on a smaller face. This is basically a loose ring cheek with a loop to put the cheek piece of the bridle in and two rein options The mouthpiece is also captured in a loop for two reasons one to stop it harming the corners of the horses lips and two to make the signal very balanced as you pull the rein you get an instant small lever action.
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