The Precision Mini Edgeware
After the success of the Precision Mouthpieces with an Eggbutt, a Loose Ring and a D Cheek I added this Mini Edgeware Cheek into the range in 2022 and I am thrilled with the feed back on it
The Precision mouthpiece is a combination of a generous forward curve to the branches of the mouthpiece, small non-invasive turned joints and an Oval Lozenge that is rounded on the roof of the mouth and Oval on the tongue side
The feel for the Horse and into the Riders hand is one of encouraging the Horse forward into the bit but when it gets there they should lighten up and yield and flex to the Riders signals
Very useful for Horses or Ponies that
- · need to Pay more heed to the mouthpiece
- · Are just a bit strong for a Snaffle and need a little more
- ·Are in a Precision Snaffle and need another bit added in to the equation
- For Horses that are polite in the school but more enthusiastic when they are out and about
Mini Edgeware Cheek
It is exactly the same proportions above and below the mouthpiece so it sends the Horse to the end of the rein
It is very important to have good balance when you create a cheek piece The part of the cheek above the mouthpiece [the purchase] creates upper head and upper jaw pressure and the part of the cheekpiece below the mouthpiece [the shank] creates lower jaw pressure
In order to send the Horse to the end of the rein and give good release and reward for work done these two measurements must create balance This cheek must always be used with a balance strap or chain never without as this brings to bear a third point of pressure on the upper part of the lower jaw as the bit is used without a balance strap the bit will not work as it was designed to